Heliogen Announces Breakthrough in Solar Energy

With the help of sunlight, it was possible to obtain the temperatures necessary for industrial production

Halogen, a company developing in the field of using solar energy instead of fossil fuels, has announced a significant achievement. For the first time, it was possible, by concentrating the sun's rays, to obtain a temperature of more than 1000 ° C. According to Heliogen, this opens up the possibility of using solar energy in many production processes, such as the production of cement, steel and petrochemical products. The result can be a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Only the cement production mentioned, for which Heliogen technology is well suited, is responsible for more than 7% of global CO2 emissions.

For comparison: previous commercial concentrating solar thermal systems allowed obtaining temperatures up to 565 ° C, which is suitable for generating electricity, but not enough for many industrial processes in which fossil fuels have to be burned to obtain high temperatures

Heliogen Announces Breakthrough in Solar Energy

Halogen plans include raising the temperature to 1,500 ° C, which will be enough to break down water into hydrogen and oxygen. If successful, an environmentally friendly source of energy can be used to produce environmentally friendly fuels.

The secret of Heliogen is the use of computer vision and artificial intelligence algorithms to more accurately control than a large number of mirrors directing sunlight to a single point than ever before.

A unique scientific achievement was recorded at the Heliogen commercial site in Lancaster, California. It is noteworthy that this happened on the first day after starting a new installation.
